I am new to blogging and new to reviewing books. I am not a professional by any means; I am just expressing my thoughts, feelings and impressions of the books I read.
I read mainly Young Adult novels, but occasionally I do review Adult books as well.
The genres that I enjoy are:
Historical Fiction
I am open to receiving Advanced Reading Copies and Review Copies of books. I prefer physical copies but electronic versions are also accepted. By accepting or receiving a book, I do not guarantee that it will be read and reviewed immediately. I will try my very best, but understand that I may have other books that I am committed to reviewing as well. If you have a time frame for when you expect the review to be posted, please let me know. If the book is an ARC copy, I will try to publish the review on or around the release date.
When emailing, please include the summary, the release date, and a picture of the cover.
All reviews published will be my 100% honest opinion and it could potentially contain negative comments regarding the book. My review will not be hateful but it will address any problem I have with the book. I care about giving my readers an honest review of what I thought of the book.
My reviews include cover art, publication information, a description*, and my personal thoughts about the book. I also post my reviews on GoodReads.
Thank you for considering me to review your book!

Send your request to letstalkaboutbooks.erika@gmail.com
*All descriptions are taken from Amazon.com, GoodReads.com, the jacketflap, or the publisher's website.