Author: Leah Bobet Website | Twitter
Stand Alone or Series: Stand Alone
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books (April, 2012)
Hardcover: 368 pages
ISBN: 9780545296700
Source: Publisher
Available On: Amazon | Barnes&Noble | TheBookDepository | Kindle | Nook
Description from GoodReads:
Matthew has loved Ariel from the moment he found her in the tunnels, her bee’s wings falling away. They live in Safe, an underground refuge for those fleeing the city Above—like Whisper, who speaks to ghosts, and Jack Flash, who can shoot lightning from his fingers.
But one terrifying night, an old enemy invades Safe with an army of shadows, and only Matthew, Ariel, and a few friends escape Above. As Matthew unravels the mystery of Safe’s history and the shadows’ attack, he realizes he must find a way to remake his home—not just for himself, but for Ariel, who needs him more than ever before.
My Review
First Impressions: Above sounds like a fun read full of adventure and wonderful characters. It sounds different from anything that I have read.
Plot & Characters: I wanted to love this book but I was completely confused at the beginning. The book is written to reflect Mathew's background. He lacks a proper education so he is missing words, or just strange structure in his sentences. I found the writting style interesting but had difficulty understanding. It brought to mind me the book Room by Emma Donoghue not in the subject matter but in the writing style since Room is told by a child.
After a few chapters I was able to relate to Matthew and understand him. However, I was not able to get into the story and found it difficult to finish this book. Above is more the story of individuals that are trying to find a place where they belong than a story about supernatural creatures and their adventures.
Final Thoughts: This is one of those book that you will either love or hate. If you enjoy books that are written in creative ways then this may be the book for you. If you are looking for a fun read where you will read the adventures of the beautiful bee girl in the cover of this book then read the synopsis again because the cover is deceiving. I think the cover is beautiful but a bit misleading.
Buy, Borrow or Skip: I would say borrow for this one.
My Rating: